Times letters: Decision time for Democrats as Joe Biden falters - News Summed Up

Times letters: Decision time for Democrats as Joe Biden falters

Sir, In the wake of the TV debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, it is clear to all objective observers that the president needs to step down to make way for a younger candidate who will have a chance of winning in November (news, leading article, letter, Jun 29). This may not happen for a variety of reasons: Biden’s “determination”, the wheels of party procedure, a reticence among Democrats to “break ranks” or a state of denial. None of these or other reasons are weighty enough to justify not acting decisively before the Democratic convention in August. The alternative is a predictable election night with all the recriminations and post-factum regrets customary on such occasions. Russell PhillipsBury, LancsSir,

Source: The Times July 01, 2024 00:24 UTC

