Timberlink sawmill dogged by complaints about smoke - News Summed Up

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Timberlink sawmill dogged by complaints about smoke

Timberlink sawmill dogged by complaints about smokeSTUFF Timberlink chief executive Ian Tyson says the Blenheim sawmill is complying with its resource consents. Timberlink has to obey strict rules about releasing smoke from its kiln, where treated timber is flash-dried, including how dark the smoke is and the concentration of chemicals in the smoke. JOHN COWIE/STUFF A preschool proposed for Birchwood Ave was rejected over concerns about Timberlink emissions causing health problems in children. STUFF Concerns about emissions from Blenheim sawmill Timberlink spiked after a proposed preschool nearby was turned down. Compliance was not just about avoiding an infringement notice for Timberlink, Tyson said.

Source: Stuff January 14, 2018 17:02 UTC

