Tigray region belligerent authorities released detained Federal police members - News Summed Up

Tigray region belligerent authorities released detained Federal police members

On July 31, DW Amharic reported that 40 highly armed men dressed in Ethiopian Federal police uniform were “besieged” as they landed at Alula Aba Nega international airport in Mekelle. Yesterday, the same news source reported in Amharic that Tigray region released members of the Federal Police Anti-Terrorist forces and they are reportedly in Addis Ababa. The source added that the they were detained at “Federal Camp” – seemingly Federal military barrack in the region. And observers say Tigray regional state does not have constitutional power, what so ever, to do that. Despite the power to, it seems unlikely to that the Federal authorities flew to Tigray region of Ethiopia without informing relevant authorities in the region and Ethiopians have been questioning the way the regional authorities acted.

Source: Ethiopian News August 18, 2018 15:00 UTC

