Announcing changes on Tuesday to Facebook and Instagram’s factchecking programmes , the Meta boss wore a $900k (£740k) watch from the Swiss brand Greubel Forsey. It joins Zuckerberg’s growing horological collection including a $1.2m rose gold timepiece from Patek Philippe and the thinnest watch ever made. Forty-two years after Swatch first disrupted the traditional Swiss watch market with its colourful, plastic casings and low price points, the retro brand is now being championed by hypebeasts thanks to an ongoing collaboration with Omega. Emmanuel Macron was previously spotted removing his luxury watch during a television interview. The former British prime minister Rishi Sunak favoured vintage watches from Rolex and Chopard, while Keir Starmer wears a rubber-strap watch from Tissot.
Source: The Guardian January 13, 2025 18:35 UTC