They were on a new Underground Drainage (UGD) line of the Ramanagaram City Municipal CouncilThree labourers working in a manhole without any safety gear died of asphyxiation in Ramanagaram, around 50 km from Bengaluru, on Friday morning. They were among five labourers working on a new Underground Drainage (UGD) line of the Ramanagaram City Municipal Council. Rajesh, 30, entered an existing manhole, around 20 feet deep, to connect them to the newly built manholes, but fell unconscious and died of asphyxiation. His colleagues got into the manhole to rescue him, but also died of asphyxiation, said the police. “Council officials should have ensured labourers were provided adequate safety gear, if getting into the manhole was unavoidable.
Source: The Hindu June 05, 2021 04:45 UTC