The world's 10 most expensive cities to live in for 2023 - News Summed Up

The world's 10 most expensive cities to live in for 2023

According to the annual Worldwide Cost of Living Index that’s published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the average cost of living rose by 7.4% this year. Inevitably, increasing living costs have meant that many cities have become more expensive to live in – but some get hit harder than others. The most expensive citiesThe city-state of Singapore and Switzerland’s Zurich were named as the most expensive cities in the world. The 2023 Worldwide Cost of Living surveyed 173 major cities, comparing more than 400 individual prices across 200 products and services. The world’s 10 most expensive cities for 20231.

Source: CNN December 26, 2023 11:13 UTC

