Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 10:57 am, November 21st, 2023 - 33 commentsCategories: chris hipkins, International, israel, labour, Palestine, war - Tags:Earlier this week the New Zealand Labour Party made a statement on Palestine and it was a good one. I am pleased that New Zealand Labour decided to be more staunch and declare that the killing of innocent children and the bombing of hospitals and schools should not be tolerated. “It runs against Labour Party values to see the horrific scenes we are witnessing without calling for a ceasefire,” he said. “The violence and the killing has to stop.”National responded by agreeing with Labour but then accusing Labour of playing politics. “Given New Zealand’s long-standing bipartisan approach to foreign policy it is very disappointing that Chris Hipkins is playing politics with such a serious issue.
Source: Stuff November 21, 2023 06:12 UTC