The mass immigration policies of NZ free market capitalism has us in an infrastructure doom loop! So are we going to talk about that NZ Post TV advert or not? - News Summed Up

The mass immigration policies of NZ free market capitalism has us in an infrastructure doom loop! So are we going to talk about that NZ Post TV advert or not?

NZ Post use Fleetwood Mac’s anthem as a gentle cheeky Christmas TV advert all about telling little white lies to make Christmas a secret. Our ‘Churn and Burn’ economy of a housing market-with-bits-tacked-on that is fueled by record-high migration, low investment and rising residential land prices is churning and burning faster than ever. Let’s get back to that NZ Post TV advert. Why are all the couriers in those NZ Post adverts Indian? The reason of course as to why so many couriers are Indian is because they are the ones most exploitable by NZ free market capitalism.

Source: Stuff November 19, 2023 09:04 UTC

