The many grave risks confronting the world today - News Summed Up

The many grave risks confronting the world today

That a little-acknowledged Palestinian terror outfit could take on Israel, which boasts of one of the most powerful armies in the world, is having a seismic impact across the world. Much of the West is backing Israel, while the Arab world is left with little choice but to back Hamas. China, for its part, is vigorously pursuing its two contradictory goals viz., to checkmate the ‘U.S.-dominated world order’ and in turn ensure the success of a China-dominated order. Technology risksAdditionally, in the category of grave risks that confront the world today are many that belong to the technology domain — more specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyber. Quantum AI simulation denotes a mind-boggling degree of effectiveness and efficiency but there are equally intrinsic risks attached to it.

Source: The Hindu November 28, 2023 05:37 UTC

