Thinking about the Roman EmpireTo understand what they did and how they did it, it helps to know the history of the Herculaneum papyri. The process of virtually unwrapping the Herculaneum papyri involved three steps: scanning, segmentation and searching for ink. “It’s just incredible to have hit upon something that we can understand and has some universality to it," Friedman told me. His first day on the job was Monday—the day he won the Vesuvius Challenge. Write to Ben Cohen at ben.cohen@wsj.comView Full Image The World’s Smartest Young Minds Just Cracked a 2,000-Year-Old MysteryView Full Image The World’s Smartest Young Minds Just Cracked a 2,000-Year-Old MysteryView Full Image The World’s Smartest Young Minds Just Cracked a 2,000-Year-Old Mystery
Source: Wall Street Journal February 10, 2024 04:06 UTC