The Play Is Coming From Inside the House - News Summed Up

The Play Is Coming From Inside the House

Her voice informs us that the Porter Family Mansion has doors, windows, rooms and “some of the finest world collections of many different things.” (The house is wholly imaginary.) Scheie was also the star of the in-person version, and his Weston has a strange and malevolent energy. The house never really comes into mind’s eye view and the items in the box, almost entirely irrelevant, don’t help. I had hoped that “A House Tour” would create a kind of memory palace, a mansion of the mind, but it just loiters, endlessly, in the gutters. “Someone Else’s House,” produced by Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles, is an altogether shorter, tauter and shrewder work.

Source: New York Times May 03, 2021 19:52 UTC

