The Pee Tape: The Media’s Obsession with Jill Biden May Undermine the Jury - News Summed Up

The Pee Tape: The Media’s Obsession with Jill Biden May Undermine the Jury

Let say at the outset, I absolutely support the decision of the jury to convict Hunter Biden, based on the evidence submitted to them. As I said before those texts came in, the case that Hunter used drugs during the period he owned the gun was strong. Some jurors confessed that they didn’t initially recognize the first lady, who was a constant figure sitting behind Hunter Biden in the courtroom gallery. 10 said, adding that he felt badly that Hunter Biden’s daughter, Naomi Biden, was called to testify. Getting questioned — without warning to the lawyers in advance — about this interchange changed the focus on Jill Biden.

Source: CNN June 15, 2024 05:35 UTC

