The Muslims of Auschwitz: tales of tragedy and heroism 75 years on - News Summed Up

The Muslims of Auschwitz: tales of tragedy and heroism 75 years on

Academics estimate over 1000 Muslims could have been imprisoned by the Nazis in World War IIParman Romonov and Kaim Abdijew were Soviet prisoners of war captured by the Nazis. Among those starved, gassed and slaughtered in this and other Nazi camps were Muslims from North Africa and central Asia. Some records recovered by the Soviets suggest that 53 of 400,000 registered Auschwitz prisoners were Muslims. The "Death Books" recorded by the Nazis at Auschwitz listed five prisoners as Muslims, but omit records from several months in between 1940 and 1941. The subjection of Muslims under the fascist wave of World War II wasn’t limited to Nazi-occupied territory.

Source: The North Africa Journal January 27, 2020 03:22 UTC

