This movie is so bad, it makes me want to write a personal apology to Brendan Fraser for hating on his dumb-but-fun The Mummy franchise of nearly 20 years ago. Cruise figured he’d found one with The Mummy, which unwraps Universal’s new Dark Universe endeavour intended to revive the studio’s classic monster movies. Cruise plays Nick Morton, a cocky thief posing as a U.S. military protector of precious antiquities in war-torn Iraq. They’re interrupted by archeologist Jenny Halsey (Annabelle Wallis), whom Nick bedded and conned in Baghdad, much to her regret and fury. The only sane riposte to that line is, “Yes, but is it covered by my health plan and is there any cure for having seen The Mummy?”
Source: thestar June 08, 2017 18:56 UTC