The House of Commons of Canada Subcommittee on International Human Rights Brief - News Summed Up

The House of Commons of Canada Subcommittee on International Human Rights Brief

Dear Distinguished Committee members,Allow me to talk about Human rights in Oromia, Benshangul Gumuz and Tigray Regions. Some human rights groups and western media have reported the atrocities, but it did not get so much attention as the crisis in Tigray. Religious Intolerance and Violent Extremism are also other factors that greatly contributed to the worsening of human rights in Ethiopia. In the absence of democracy, rule of law, and independent judiciary, flagrant human rights violation is a day-to-day phenomenon. There is a massive displacement, civil war, flagrant human rights violations, genocide acts, and one-party dictatorial rule.

Source: Ethiopian News February 22, 2021 20:35 UTC

