The Hindu in Hindi: Medical community's request to stop giving the same medicine for multiple diseases, read the editorial of January 25 - News Summed Up

The Hindu in Hindi: Medical community's request to stop giving the same medicine for multiple diseases, read the editorial of January 25

an old problemA third company uses the name 'Medazol 400' for a formula containing albendazole used for deworming treatment of children. A fourth company uses the name 'Medazol 200' for a formulation containing itraconazole, a powerful antifungal drug used to treat diseases such as 'black fungus'. Not every time, different companies use the same or similar names to sell different active ingredients. In addition to these difficulties, similar drug names increase the risk of prescription errors. The self-certification process does not work in India, as we can see in the case of similar drug names.

Source: The Hindu January 26, 2024 13:06 UTC

