“The British press and the broadcasters, to a degree, fell all over themselves to give Elon Musk publicity,” said David Yelland, a former editor of Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid, The Sun. This is plain old Fleet Street bias.”Claire Enders, a London-based media researcher and founder of Enders Analysis, likened Mr. Musk to Mr. Murdoch, the insurgent media baron from Australia who upended the London newspaper industry in the 1970s. “He’s American, he’s a multibillionaire, and he’s close to Trump.”Mr. Musk, however, is not interested in taking over the British press so much as discrediting it. The Times of London published a major investigation of the scandal, and the slow response to it by the police, in 2011. “The idea that there is a media blackout on this, and we needed Elon Musk to uncover it, is nonsense.”
Source: The Times January 15, 2025 02:22 UTC