Fans of television from the 80s are more than aware of actor Arun Govil, who played TV's Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar’s epochal Ramayana. Now, Arun, who feels proud of continued identity with the character of Lord Rama spoke about Ramayana's learnings recently amid the coronavirus crisis. Arun further added that Lord Rama is deemed as 'Maryada Purushottam', and the takeaway for viewers here would be the importance of being righteous. Our Prime Minister used two very important words — sanyam (patience) and sankalp (resolution) — which come under maryada.... For the uninformed, a few weeks back, the lead cast of Ramayan, Arun, Deepika Chikhalia (Sita) and Sunil Lahiri (Lakshman), reunited after over three decades for an appearance on a popular TV show.
Source: dna March 29, 2020 10:18 UTC