Telangana: Judge opens court premises to feed migrant poor Sangareddy is the first town in Telangana after Hyderabad on Hyderabad-Mumbai highway. Many labourers, their children, poor students, workers from the unorganised sector are walking from Hyderabad towards their villages. Prasad BhosekarMar 29, 2020, 05:50 PM IST In a heartwarming gesture, a judge in Sangareddy town of Telangana has opened court premises to feed those migrant poor who are walking their way towards their respective villages in and around Medak, Sangareddy and Zaheerabad districts of Telangana adjoining due to lockdown. I was told a man fainted nearby as he was walking all the way from Hyderabad along with his children. Then Judicial Officers, my court staff contributions will ensure we can feed any needy till the lockdown period is over,'' adds Judge K. Sai Rama Devi.
Source: dna March 29, 2020 12:22 UTC