Ahead of the release of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati which will hit the theatres next month, the BJP MLA from Hyderabad T Raja Singh has threatened to set ablaze theatres that will screen the film in the state. The film, starring Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh, is slated for release on December 1. The MLA made the comment at a congregation of Rajasthan Rajput Samaj in Secunderabad, which was later shared on his Facebook page. Singh who represents Goshamahal constituency has alleged that the film distorts history and disregards the Rajputs and Rajasthani culture. Rajasthan-based Rajput community group Karni Sena had opposed the film, alleging distortion of history, and vandalized its sets.
Source: dna November 07, 2017 08:03 UTC