Technology can promote gender equality or prevent it. The choice is ours. - News Summed Up

Technology can promote gender equality or prevent it. The choice is ours.

It’s almost incomprehensible that such gaps exists in 2017, especially given the clear benefits of ensuring women and girls have access to technology and are part of creating it. Girls and women have the right to benefit from information and communication technologies (ICTs), and participate in creating new technology and digital solutions. The kind that means computers, engineering and technology are often viewed as something boys and men are just ‘naturally’ more fit for. These are some of the many reasons why today we celebrate the International Girls in ICT Day. Without ensuring girls and women are able to access, use and create technology equally with boys and men, we will fail in our quest to empower women and girls and realize gender equality.

Source: Huffington Post April 27, 2017 15:00 UTC

