The Tamil Nadu government on Saturday extended the lockdown by another week, till 6am on June 14, with some relaxations in a bid to curb rising Covid-19 cases in the state. However, the restrictions will not be eased in 11 districts in Tamil Nadu, which continue to see high number of cases of the coronavirus disease. The 11 districts are Coimbatore, Nilgiris, Tiruppur, Erode, Salem, Karur, Namakkal, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam and Mayiladuthurai. According to a state government press release, stand alone retail provision, vegetable, fruits, flowers and meat shops will be allowed to open between 6am and 5pm. Tamil Nadu registered 22,651 new Covid-19 cases and 463 related fatalities, which have taken the state’s tally to 21,95,402 and its death toll to 26,128, according to the health department on Friday.
Source: Hindustan Times June 05, 2021 06:01 UTC