Taliban-Afghan officials say reach pact to reduce violence - News Summed Up

Taliban-Afghan officials say reach pact to reduce violence

“Based on the plan, the reduction in violence (RIV) will start between the Taliban and international and Afghan security forces for one week,” Javid Faisal, spokesperson for the Afghan National Security Advisor, told Reuters. “We hope it is extended for a longer time and opens the way for a ceasefire and intra-Afghan talks,” he added. Three senior Taliban leaders - two in Doha and one in Afghanistan - also confirmed to Reuters that they had agreed on reduction of violence in Afghanistan for seven days starting Friday night. The Taliban have previously refused to speak directly to the Kabul government, which they denounce as a US puppet. “Local government and security officials have been instructed by the president himself on how to follow the regulations agreed upon for the RIV period,” he said.

Source: bd News24 February 21, 2020 08:03 UTC

