But in November of the same year, government troops, although meeting no resistance (they were greeted by singing and dancing children) entered Parihaka, taking Te Whiti, Tohu Kākahi, Titokowaru and many others, prisoners. The people of Parihaka were setting an example of non-violent protest 50 years before Gandhi's defining "salt march" of 1930. NATIONAL ARCHIVE The people of Parihaka were setting an example of non-violent protest 50 years before Gandhi's defining "salt march" of 1930. and, with other women following her example, the waka was brought safely back to shore. Jim Chipp India's pacifist leader Mohandas Ghandi knew of the non-violent struggle at Parihaka in Taranaki and was inspired by the principles displayed against the British Army.
Source: Stuff December 06, 2019 16:52 UTC