On Sunday, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) chief Kirpal Singh Badungar had demanded a ban on the show for showing an actor as Guru Gobind Singh. He had also said, “No actor or any character can equate himself with the tenth Sikh Guru Gobind Singh. Such an act is unpardonable.”The makers and actors of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma have clarified that actor Gurcharan Singh was not dressed as the tenth guru himself but as Guru Gobind Singh ka Khalsa (Guru Gobind Singh’s soldier). We are aware & respect that in Sikh religion nobody can show or portray themselves as Guru Gobind Singh Ji. He went on to say that if people will hear dialogues then it will be clear that he was playing Guru Gobind Singh Ji ka Khalsa.
Source: Hindustan Times September 19, 2017 08:37 UTC