The TTC has unveiled plans to enhance its network of express bus routes, which the agency says will significantly improve transit service without the major infrastructure investments required for new subway or light rail lines. TTC chair Josh Colle and agency CEO Andy Byford unveiled the plan Thursday morning at a news conference at Lawrence West station. Colle said that while big transit projects like subway extensions get most of the attention, 60 per cent of people who currently take the TTC ride the bus. “It’s really the backbone of our system and one that’s important to invest in,” he said. Colle described better bus service as an “affordable and relatively quick opportunity” to address congestion, “at a fraction of the cost of what it might be to build some of the massive transit projects that we debate endlessly.”The TTC currently operates 24 peak-period express bus routes on weekdays, and 10 express routes during off-peak periods.
Source: thestar June 08, 2017 16:41 UTC