Accurate accountMohamad Shahril Fawzy, or Pojie as he is known, operates the website Pojiegraphy ( – a travel and lifestyle blog which aims to educate and inspire travel by providing advice, photography and narratives. I had the opportunity to travel to some places and I used my blog as a platform to share my experiences. Use them!”Solo sojournsSolo backpacker Mei Mei Chu, 30, published her first blog post in 2013. “I started the blog at a time when solo travelling was still new, and travel narratives and images were dominated by men. So I started a travel blog.”Dr Powell shares his travel stories on theroytravels (, providing insights of the places that he has visited, recommendations of hotels and eateries, and how to travel in the most practical manner.
Source: The Star August 30, 2020 23:03 UTC