The Supreme E-Government Committee, headed by Minister of State for Communication and Political Affairs Walid Al-Lafi, followed up on preparations for launching the pilot phase of the Unified Electronic Services package last Tuesday. In its meeting on Tuesday held in Tripoli, the committee approved the general plan for the project’s stages, the distribution of its sections, the documentary evidence, and the definition of the package scheduled to be launched next February, within the vision approved by the Council of Ministers for the digital transformation project, which would contribute to developing the services provided to citizens. It will be recalled that last December, Tripoli based Libyan Prime Minister Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba issued Circular No. 16 regarding the implementation of the Secure Government Network for data exchange, so that the Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company would prepare and implement digital transformation projects, in coordination with the General Information Authority to ensure the protection and confidentiality of government data.
Source: Libya Today December 14, 2023 17:57 UTC