Hardik Patel, 25, had started preparations to contest from Jamnagar on a Congress ticket after joining the party on March 12 and the last date for filing of nominations is April 4. Telegraph file pictureThe Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to accord urgent hearing to Congress leader Hardik Patel's plea challenging the Gujarat High Court order rejecting stay on his conviction in the 2015 Vispur rioting case. The bench told the counsel appearing for Patel that there was no urgency in hearing the matter as the high court order was passed in August last year. What is the urgency now?” the bench said while refusing to accord urgent hearing on the petition. Patel, 25, had started preparations to contest from Jamnagar on a Congress ticket after joining the party on March 12 and the last date for filing of nominations is April 4.
Source: The Telegraph April 02, 2019 06:45 UTC