Harry Paltongan and Gary Sales as overall champions. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOREAL estate developer Suntrust Properties Inc., in its continuing efforts to bring together its clients, partners and suppliers through a friendly golf tournament, held the 10th Suntrust Cup at the Sherwood Hills Golf Club in Trece Martires, Cavite on May 21. "The Suntrust Group is excited with this opportunity to be with our partners. Since this tournament was halted when the pandemic happened in 2020, the 10th Suntrust Cup is a good indication that we are now getting back on track," said Suntrust President Atty. The Suntrust Cup, a two-man scramble event, was graced by a total of 160 players composed of the club's members, Suntrust contractors, business partners and friends.
Source: Manila Times June 11, 2022 04:09 UTC