Sun Polls University on COVID-19 - News Summed Up

Sun Polls University on COVID-19

In April, The Sun conducted a campus-wide opinion poll to better understand Cornellians’ thoughts on how the University handled the COVID-19 pandemic. Chukwudumebi Joshua Obi/Sun ContributorThe poll revealed broad support for the University’s approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly 69% of participants said they either approved or strongly approved of the University’s COVID-19 policies. Perhaps the University’s most controversial COVID-19 policy was its green-yellow-red alert system, which used color-coded tiers to designate different sets of campus COVID-19 policies. The lack of consistency in University policy has confused students like Samuel Chessler ’22, who said he thinks the University isn’t always prioritizing the right things.

Source: Daily Sun June 28, 2022 14:20 UTC

