Sudanese still await aid on day two of tense ceasefire - News Summed Up

Sudanese still await aid on day two of tense ceasefire

KHARTOUM: Fighting eased in Sudan on Wednesday, the second full day of a ceasefire that has allowed beleaguered civilians to venture out, even as they await safe aid corridors and escape routes. Washington and Riyadh, which brokered the ceasefire between the forces of two rival generals, however pointed to reports "indicating that both sides violated the agreement." Aid agencies had already been ramping up deliveries despite the killing of some of their workers, looting of their facilities, and most hospitals being unable to function in conflict areas. In southern Khartoum, men sat on plastic chairs in front of a burned out bank building. The violation of humanitarian principles and space for aid workers to operate "is shrinking on a scale I've rarely seen before", he said.

Source: Manila Times May 25, 2023 16:34 UTC

