Sudan protesters to keep up campaign until military’s ouster - News Summed Up

Sudan protesters to keep up campaign until military’s ouster

KHARTOUM, Sudan - Sudan’s pro-democracy leaders vowed Thursday to press their campaign of civil disobedience until the ruling military council is ousted and killers of protesters are brought to justice, following a crackdown this week that killed scores of people. The African Union, meanwhile, announced it was suspending Sudan from all AU activities “with immediate effect” over the deadly unrest. The suspension, it said, would last until Sudan’s military hands over power to a transitional civilian authority. The developments followed new clashes that had brought the death toll in three days of the Sudanese military crackdown to 108. The AU’s Peace and Security Council is in charge of enforcing union decisions, somewhat similar to the U.N. Security Council.

Source: thestar June 06, 2019 08:42 UTC

