Struggling pet owners urged to get help after kittens dumped - News Summed Up

Struggling pet owners urged to get help after kittens dumped

Photo: Public DomainKittens that were just five or six weeks old have died, been stuffed in a bread bag and dumped by the side of the road in Canterbury, an SPCA report says. "It can be really hard if you've got a lot of animals or an unwanted litter - or even if you've got really loved pets, it can be hard to feed them. "That's why it's always really good if you can reach out - just reach out, we're always here to help. Pet food is included under "essential goods", for which financial assistance is available from Work and Income. SPCA inspectors have continued to respond to emergency calls and urgent animal welfare complaints during the lockdown on a restricted basis.

Source: Otago Daily Times May 03, 2020 08:03 UTC

