The process involves drawing blood samples to detect whether the person was exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the pastThe State is all set to conduct a second round of serological prevalence survey in all the 30 districts as well as eight zones of Bengaluru in mid-January. The survey — that included people who had COVID-19 infection (prior to the survey) and those who had active infection during the survey — found an overall prevalence of 27.3% in the State then. Official sources, who are part of the team that is chalking out protocols for the second survey, told The Hindu that the sample size from each district would be increased to around 1,500 this time. The second sero survey will show if this is true and estimate the existing disease burden,” sources said. “The second round will reveal if there has been a change in the pattern of the disease spread.
Source: The Hindu December 31, 2020 17:48 UTC