SEPO director Prapas Kong-Ied said August alone brought in Bt4.14 billion. The top five contributing enterprises were the Government Lottery Office, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat), PTT Public Co Ltd, Government Savings Bank and the Provincial Electricity Authority, said SEPO deputy director and spokespersonChanwit Nakburi. Together they contributed 69 per cent of the total revenue collected and remitted to the ministry. Income from them was the key factor in surpassing the set target, leading to a greater overall turnover, Chanwit said. Prapas expected that the total revenue collected from the state enterprises for all of fiscal 2018 would be Bt20 billion more than the Bt137-billion target, representing an important factor in total government income reaching its own target.
Source: The Nation Bangkok September 11, 2018 18:00 UTC