CHENNAI: Startups Graviky and Chattar Patar secured Rs 1.8 crore in funding from multiple investors on the TV show The Vault Indore-based Chattar Patar raised Rs 1 crore from Ameera Shah, managing director & CEO - Metropolis Healthcare Limited, Rahul Singh, founder & CEO, The Beer Cafe, and Devansh Jain, director - Inox Wind, in return of 26% of its equity.Graviky, a Bangalore-based startup, on the other hand, secured Rs 80 lakh in investments from Mohit Goel, CEO - Omaxe Limited, in return of 1% equity and 7% India-exclusive commission, at a valuation of INR 80 crore.Revol Wallet, the third startup featuring in the episode, rejected the investment offer.Jatin Goel, creator, The Vault, said, "India, as a nation, is full of individuals with bright business ideas which can have a great impact on the society and economy as a whole. The Vault was established as a platform to give these would be entrepreneurs from across the country a chance to give their business dreams a big boost by securing investment and garnering visibility. We look forward to work towards our vision of taking entrepreneurship beyond big cities and making it a household concept across the country. "The first episode of the show saw two startups -- Medmonk and Boxershots -- bagging a total funding of Rs 1.25 crore.
Source: Times of India October 17, 2016 08:36 UTC