Sponsor an ocean? Tiny island nation of Niue has a novel plan to protect its slice of the Pacific - News Summed Up

Sponsor an ocean? Tiny island nation of Niue has a novel plan to protect its slice of the Pacific

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The tiny Pacific island nation of Niue has come up with a novel plan to protect its vast and pristine territorial waters — it will get sponsors to pay. “Niue is just one island in the middle of the big blue ocean,” Tagelagi said. “We are surrounded by the ocean, and we live off the ocean. It’s one of the smallest countries in the world, dwarfed by an ocean territory 1,200 times larger than its land mass. Under the plan, the sponsorship money — called Ocean Conservation Commitments — will be administered by a charitable trust.

Source: Daily Nation September 20, 2023 00:20 UTC

