Deputy President William Ruto on Friday attended a football tournament organised by Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala at Mumias Sports Complex, Kakamega County. The arrival of the DP happened shortly after the Azimio La Magaharibi rally held at Bukhungu stadium came to an end. The rally saw the ODM leader Raila Odinga endorsed for the presidency and Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya crowned the region's new political kingpin. DP Ruto, who was from another sports tournament in Sirisia Constituency, Bungoma County, was welcomed by Senator Malala and former Sports CS Rashid Echesa. His arrival came hours after Malala addressed a press briefing saying the ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi is free to work with either Raila or Ruto.
Source: The Star January 01, 2022 00:56 UTC