Speaker Bagbin Laments The Poor Conditions of Service of Journalists - News Summed Up

Speaker Bagbin Laments The Poor Conditions of Service of Journalists

Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin has lamented the poor state of the Ghanaian media and the poor conditions of service of its practitioners, demanding that concrete steps be taken to better the lot of the media such as improved conditions of service and protection of journalists. It’s not only the fear and the intimidation, or the attacks and violence against media personnel but the working environment of the Media personnel . “If the media is that important, how come the country has not come out to clearly spell out some conditions of service, even if it’s minimal for the media personnel? And there is the need for us to relook at the welfare and conditions of service of the media practitioner,” he advocated. Ghanaian Journalists and other practitioners have been the subject of physical and verbal attacks, especially in recent times.

Source: GhanaWeb August 07, 2023 14:29 UTC

