Solar PV industry takes centre stage at Enlit Africa - News Summed Up

Solar PV industry takes centre stage at Enlit Africa

The role of solar PV in South Africa’s pursuit of an energy-secure future will take centre stage at Enlit Africa in Cape Town from 21 – 23 May. SAPVIA’s role in the local solar PV marketSAPVIA has played a facilitating role in South Africa’s gradual adoption of renewable energy from solar PV, especially the rapid uptake seen in the past couple of years. In particular, the solar PV industry in South Africa has experienced significant growth in 2023, with installed capacity growing by 3.3GW overall, of which private sector solar additions accounted for 2.6GW. “The declining cost of solar PV technology is one of the drivers of the shift we’re seeing across Africa’s energy landscape. “Come and visit the SAPVIA pavilion at Enlit Africa to engage with our experts, form new partnerships, and understand the evolving role of solar energy in Africa,” says Taljaard.

Source: The North Africa Journal May 21, 2024 03:26 UTC

