Social media post pushes Norway government to the brink of collapse - News Summed Up

Social media post pushes Norway government to the brink of collapse

Social media post pushes Norway government to the brink of collapseOlav Heggø, Fotovisjon Justice Minister Sylvi Listhaug posted on Facebook that the Labor Party -- whose youth camp was targeted by Anders Behring Breivik in the 2011 terrorist attack -- cares more about the rights of terrorists than national security. Norway Prime Minister Erna Solberg could face a tough choice: sacrifice her embattled justice minister or put her whole cabinet to a vote. While she has since reluctantly apologised and erased the March 9 post after almost a week, the minister now faces a no-confidence vote in parliament on Tuesday (local time). But it could be until Tuesday until it's revealed how the premier will deal with a no-confidence vote. "The question on how the government will handle a no-confidence vote will only be answered in parliament," Solberg told news agency NTB.

Source: Stuff March 18, 2018 12:11 UTC

