SoCal stations would lose big in proposed Trump budget cuts for NPR and PBS - News Summed Up

SoCal stations would lose big in proposed Trump budget cuts for NPR and PBS

Proposed cuts to federal funding of public broadcasting conjure up images of Big Bird getting pink slipped from “Sesame Street.”But the impact of the cuts would be a lot closer to home. President Trump’s budget blueprint, released Thursday, would eliminate support for the Public Broadcasting Service and National Public Radio. Public radio stations in Southern California and nationwide would also be hit. KPCC 89.3 FM in Pasadena gets $1.3 million a year in federal funding, which represents 5% of its operating budget. Public TV stations are likely to hammer home those points to members of Congress who will have to go home and face the voters affected by the cuts.

Source: Los Angeles Times March 16, 2017 23:03 UTC

