Sincerity can close ‘comfort women’ case - News Summed Up

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Sincerity can close ‘comfort women’ case

Later I found out it was for conscription into the women’s volunteer corps.”Yun’s parents forced her to drop out. Japanese writer Kakou Senda’s 1973 book Military Comfort Women (“Jugun-Ianfu”), the first postwar mention of Imperial Japan’s front-line brothels, helped confirm Yun’s suspicion about the true nature of the women’s volunteer corps. He set out to identify the women, and his book popularised the Japanese euphemism “comfort women.”Like the term “women’s volunteer corps, ” it disguised the truth. Some researchers contend that Korea was the safest country from which to pull women into Imperial Japan’s vast network of comfort stations. That was why the former “comfort women” had to remain silent while being collectively overlooked or ignored by society.

Source: The Star January 27, 2021 03:56 UTC

