Silent March For French Teen Killed By Police Amid Political, Racial Tensions In Country - News Summed Up

Silent March For French Teen Killed By Police Amid Political, Racial Tensions In Country

French opinion polls suggest the National Rally party could dominate the next parliament after the July 7 second round and get the prime minister’s job. Citing security concerns, notably in housing projects and other impoverished areas in French suburbs or “banlieues,” the far-right National Rally wants to give a specific new legal status to police. Currently police officers have the same legal status as all French citizens and have to prove they acted in self-defense. “People fear the victory of the National Rally. But, we, people from working-class neighborhoods, are afraid every day that our sons, brothers, or husbands will be killed.

Source: The North Africa Journal June 29, 2024 23:28 UTC

