Chief Minister Y.S. People in villages can do their shopping from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m.Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy also instructed the officials to get the price list displayed prominently and to take stringent action on traders jacking up the prices. He told the officials to focus on cities and towns where the danger still lurked, by deploying additional manpower. Ministers Buggana Rajendranath Reddy, Botcha Satyanarayana, Mekathoti Sucharitha and K. Kanna Babu, Chief Secretary Nilam Sawhney and special Chief Secretary (health) K.S. Director General of Police Gautam Sawang informed the Chief Minister that integrated call centres were set up in all districts and top priority was attached to preventing the coronavirus from spreading in urban areas.
Source: The Hindu March 29, 2020 15:29 UTC