Mumbai, Shiv Sena leader Aaditya Thackeray on Monday said his party will seek legal recourse over the Mumbai North West Lok Sabha seat result, claiming victory was snatched from their candidate by "misuse" of the official machinery. Shiv Sena (UBT) to seek legal recourse over Mumbai North West LS seat resultAddressing a press conference here, Thackeray said a petition regarding the "electoral malpractice" will be filed in the court in a day or two. We will file an election petition in court, challenging the result of the Mumbai North West Lok Sabha seat," he said. Parab claimed the counting process on June 4 for the Mumbai North West seat was fine till the 19th round but there was no transparency after that. "A probe is also needed into the constant phone calls to the returning officer of the Mumbai North West Lok Sabha seat.
Source: The North Africa Journal June 17, 2024 21:06 UTC