Shiori Ito: Japanese #MeToo symbol wins compensation - News Summed Up

Shiori Ito: Japanese #MeToo symbol wins compensation

Tokyo, Japan (CNN Business) A freelance journalist who became a symbol of Japan's #MeToo movement has won a civil case against the high-profile journalist she accused of raping her. Ito became a symbol of the #MeToo movement in Japan after she publicly accused the prominent journalist of raping her. At the time, Yamaguchi told local media he wanted to go freelance. That same 2017 survey found that only about 3.7% of sexual assault victims in Japan report their rape to police. According to Japan's public broadcaster NHK, there have been calls this year to change the country's law around sexual assault after a string of not guilty verdicts in sexual assault cases.

Source: CNN December 18, 2019 10:18 UTC

