Q: My hands have become raw and sore from all the handwashing, even though I use a superfatted vegetable soap. Follow, always, with a hand cream (fragrance free so as not to irritate your hands) to re-build your damaged lipid barrier: plant butters with omega-fatty acids are ideal, as are ceramides. Other options are CeraVe Reparative Hand Cream (£6, cerave.co.uk) and Green People Scent-Free Everyday Hand Cream (£15, ocado.com). If you use a face oil, treat your hands to a few drops, followed by hand cream, before you go to sleep. Inge (pictured) suggested using a few drops of face oil to treat hands before going to sleepEmail your questions to Ingeborg van Lotringen at inge@dailymail.co.uk
Source: Daily Mail August 09, 2020 21:06 UTC