Shehnaaz told Times of India in an interview, “Yes, I feel doing Mujhse Shaadi Karoge was a big mistake. Later, I realised I was not happy in the show and couldn’t connect with any of the boys.” The swayamvar-themed show had Bigg Boss 13 finalists Shehnaaz Gill and Paras Chhabra looking for life partners for themselves. In fact, even I was upset with myself that I said yes to the show and I soon realised it was a big mistake,” she added. Earlier, winner of the show Aanchal Khurana had also claimed that Shehnaaz was not interested in the contestants because of her feelings for Sidharth Shukla. “Basically, Shehnaaz and her brother Shehbaaz were fond of Ankita but Paras was not feeling any connection with her.
Source: Hindustan Times March 29, 2020 10:37 UTC